Introducing TableView: Pulsar's database table abstraction

OSS Kafka on Pulsar (KoP) lowers the barrier to entry for Kafka developers who want to switch to Pulsar for its features like a scalable stateless serving layer and infinite storage, but can't due to legacy applications written in Kafka. KoP also provides developers experienced in creating Kafka applications a faster onboarding experience when their organization has selected Pulsar as their streaming architecture.
To achieve a seamless experience for Kafka developers, any differences between Kafka and Pulsar must already be taken into account when publishing and consuming messages on Pulsar using Kafka protocols. We start by providing a high-level overview of the KoP architecture enabling this seamless experience. We highlight current KoP capabilities by demonstrating a Kafka application publishing messages to Pulsar. Finally, we discuss areas of development to fully unlock the power of Pulsar for Kafka applications and developers.
This Session recording was originally presented at Pulsar Summit North America 2023.
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