14:21 min

Pulsar Summit Asia 2020 - The Rise of Apache Pulsar Community

Apache Pulsar is a cloud-native, distributed messaging and event streaming platform. It was originally developed in Yahoo! and then became open source. After graduating as a Top-level Apache project in 2018, Pulsar has witnessed rapid adoption and community growth. Apache Pulsar is not as mature as Apache Kafka, yet Pulsar has its unique features and advantages. You might be curious about why many companies like Splunk, Tencent, TIBCO, Yahoo!JAPAN, Iterable, Narvar choose Apache Pulsar over Apache Kafka. Join us and explore answers with those users! Apache Pulsar community believes in community over code, and is trying the best to build a diverse and global community. We warmly welcome everyone to our community, whether you’re good at coding, writing, marketing or operation, male or female, elder or young, you will explore a better self on the Pulsar stage.

Jennifer Huang


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