Cost Effective Kafka Webinar

Cost Effective Kafka: Strategies for Cost Reduction and Increased Efficiency

Discover how to reduce your Kafka costs by 60% with proven strategies for optimization and efficiency.

What You'll Learn:

  • The Standardization Revolution: Learn how Kafka has evolved from an Apache project to an open-source protocol, fostering innovation while providing a stable API for your applications.
  • Slash Your Cloud Costs: Uncover strategies to dramatically reduce Kafka expenses tied to infrastructure costs.
  • Serverless Kafka Demystified: Explore the pros and cons of emerging serverless implementations and their impact on latency-sensitive use cases.
  • Optimize Performance, Minimize Costs: Discover the secrets to configuring Kafka for peak performance without breaking the bank.

David Kjerrumgaard
David is a Sales Engineer and former Developer Advocate for StreamNative with a focus on helping developers solve their streaming data challenges using Apache Pulsar. He has over 15 years of experience working with open source projects in the Big Data, Stream Processing, and Distributed Computing spaces. David is the author of the book Pulsar in Action.


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