For the first time ever, the Apache Pulsar PMC team is publishing a user survey report. The 2020 ApachePulsar User Survey Report reveals Pulsar’s accelerating rate of global adoption, details how organizations are leveraging Pulsar to build real-time streaming applications, and highlights key features on Pulsar’s product roadmap.
Pulsar adoption has largely been driven by the market’s increased demand for real-time, data-enabled technologies. While companies have tried to leverage monolithic messaging systems to build-out real-time offerings, they’ve hit major roadblocks. Ultimately, these technologies are not equipped to provide the scale or reliability that mission-critical applications require.
As a result, companies have sought-out Apache Pulsar for its cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform capabilities. From asynchronous applications to core business applications to ETL, companies are increasingly leveraging Pulsar to develop real-time applications. Pulsar has received global adoption from major technology companies such as Verizon Media, Narvar, Overstock, Nutanix, Yahoo! JAPAN, Tencent, OVHCloud, and Clever Cloud, who rely on its ability to deliver on performance, scalability, and resiliency. As the Pulsar project and community garner increasing attention, we’re excited to share the 2020 Apache Pulsar User Survey Report.
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