Jun 10, 2021
3 min read

2021 Apache Pulsar User Report Announcement

Sijie Guo
CEO and Co-Founder, StreamNative, Apache Pulsar PMC Member
Carolyn King
Former VP of Growth, StreamNative
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We’re excited to announce the 2021 Apache Pulsar User Report is now available. The Apache Pulsar PMC launched their annual survey in 2020. This year, we are excited to see the growth in adoption and engagement across the Apache Pulsar project and to see the top trends, use cases, and insights shared directly from the community.

You can read the Executive Summary below and download the full report.

Executive Summary

Apache Pulsar adoption and community engagement skyrocketed over the past year. The community has seen an influx of new adoption as companies look to Pulsar’s cloud-native capabilities, unified messaging and streaming, scalability and reliability, and a super-set of built-in features to enable new use cases and streamline operations.

The biggest trends driving Pulsar adoption are the move to containers and cloud strategies, the need to solve for unprecedented scale and management complexity, the pivot from a pure streaming workload to unified batch and streaming workloads, and the need to unlock new use cases that older messaging and streaming systems are not able to support. In fact, the figure below from API7(1), demonstrates the Apache Pulsar community surpassed Apache Kafka in monthly active contributors, and the Pulsar engagement continues to grow.

graph represent apache pulsar and apache kafka active contributors since 2017

To better understand the growth in adoption and to learn how organizations are leveraging the project, the Apache Pulsar Project Management Committee (PMC) sent a survey to Pulsar users between November 2020 and January 2021. More than 260 Pulsar users responded.

90% of survey respondents hold technical roles as architects, data scientists, developers, engineers, and DevOps engineers. They represent more than 20 industries; including computer software/hardware, Internet, finance, e-commerce, business services, education, to name a few, and span North America, Europe, and Asia.

This report details insights and use cases on how organizations are deploying Pulsar today. Because this year’s survey is the second annual Pulsar user survey, we have the added opportunity to compare the results with last year’s report and highlight key trends. Download the full report here.

In addition to the Apache Pulsar User Survey Report 2021, you can also check out the Pulsar User Survey 2021 Highlights. In this blog we provide a deep dive into the top trends for Pulsar and across the messaging and streaming ecosystem. You can find this blog here.

Stay Connected

To stay up-to-date on Pulsar developments and events:


(1) “Monthly Active Contributors.” API7, 10 Jun, 2021, https://www.apiseven.com/en/contributor-graph?chart=contributorMonthlyActivity&repo=apache/pulsar,apache/kafka

Sijie Guo
Sijie’s journey with Apache Pulsar began at Yahoo! where he was part of the team working to develop a global messaging platform for the company. He then went to Twitter, where he led the messaging infrastructure group and co-created DistributedLog and Twitter EventBus. In 2017, he co-founded Streamlio, which was acquired by Splunk, and in 2019 he founded StreamNative. He is one of the original creators of Apache Pulsar and Apache BookKeeper, and remains VP of Apache BookKeeper and PMC Member of Apache Pulsar. Sijie lives in the San Francisco Bay Area of California.
Carolyn King
Carolyn has dedicated the past 15 years to helping companies develop growth strategies to drive customer acquisition and revenue. At StreamNative, she leads all things growth, including global Marketing and Community, global Training and Documentation, Developer Relations and Sales for the US and EMEA. She holds an MBA from UCLA Anderson and a BA in Business-Economics from UCLA. Carolyn lives in Santa Monica, California.

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