Apache Pulsar 2.6.1

We are very glad to see that the Apache Pulsar community has successfully released 2.6.1 version after a lot of hard work. It is a great milestone for this fast-growing project and the Pulsar community. Pulsar 2.6.1 is the result of a big effort from the community, with over 100 commits and a long list of improvements and bug fixes.
Here are some highlights and major features added in Pulsar 2.6.1.
Limit the batch size to the minimum of the maxNumberOfMessages and maxSizeOfMessages
- Batch size is not limited to the minimum of the maxNumberOfMessages and maxSizeOfMessages from the BatchReceive policy.
- When the batch size is greater than the receiveQ of the consumer (for example, the batch size is 3000 and a receiveQ is 500), the following issue occurs:
- In a multi-topic (pattern) consumer, the client stops receiving any messages. The client gets paused and never resumed when setting a timeout in the batch policy. Only one batch is fetched and the client is never resumed.
For more information about implementation, see PR-6865.
Fix hash range conflict issue in Key_Shared subscription with sticky hash range
In Key_Shared subscription where the stickyHashRange is used, consumers are not allowed to use interleaving hashes.
The pull request fixes the hash range conflict issue in Key_Shared with sticky hash range.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7231.
Fix get lookup permission error
If the canProduce or canConsume method throws an exception, the canLookup method just throws the exception and does not check other permissions. The code snippet is as follows:
PR-7234 invokes canLookupAsync. When Pulsar AuthorizationService checks lookup permission, if the user has the canProducer or canConsumer role, the user performs canLookup operations.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7234.
Avoid introducing null read position for the managed cursor
Avoid introducing null read position for the managed cursor. The most doubtful thing is the getNextValidPosition method in the ManagedLedgerImpl. If a given position is greater than the position added last time, it returns a null value, and the read position is also null.
In this PR, we add a log and print the stack trace to find the root cause and fallback to the next position if the null occurs at the next valid position.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7264.
Fix error in creation of non-durable cursor
An NPE occurs when we fail to create a non-durable cursor and continue to create the subscription instance.
Additionally, the NPE leads to the topic usage count increasing to 1. When deleting a topic, the topic cannot be deleted even if you use the force flag.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7355.
Avoid an NPE occurs in the ManagedLedgerImpl.isOffloadedNeedsDelete method
When the default value of the offload-deletion-lag is set to null, an NPE occurs. To fix the bug, null check is added in the ManagedLedgerImpl.isOffloadedNeedsDelete method.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7389.
Fix producer stuck issue due to NPE when creating a new ledger
NPE occurs when creating a ledger if the network address is unresolvable. If NPE occurs before adding the timeout task, the timeout mechanism does not work. The unresolvable network address is common in the Kubernetes environment. It happens when a bookie pod or a worker node restarts.
This pull request fixes from the following perspectives:
- Catch the NPE when creating a new ledger.
- When the timeout task is triggered, it always executes the callback. It is totally fine because we already have the logic to ensure the callback is triggered only once.
- Add a mechanism to detect that the CreatingLedger state is not moving.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7401.
Fix NPE when using advertisedListeners
The broker failed to acquire ownership for the namespace bundle when using advertisedListeners=internal:pulsar://node1:6650,external:pulsar://node1.external:6650 with external listener name. Correct BrokerServiceUrlTls when TLS is not enabled.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7620.
Fix the issue that the deduplication cursor cannot be deleted after message deduplication is disabled
When enabling the message deduplication in the broker.conf file, disabling it and then restarting the broker, the deduplication cursor is not deleted.
This PR fixes the issue, so when you disable message deduplication, you can delete the deduplication cursor.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7656.
Fix the issue that GetLastEntry() reads entry -1
Previously, the code does not include a return statement. If the entry is set to -1, after sending code, the response reads the entry and sends a second response, as shown in the following example.
PR-7495 adds a return statement to code, so GetLastEntry() reads the last entry, instead of -1.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7495.
Fix the error of updating partitions for non-persistent topic
When updating partitions on a non-persistent topic, Error 409 is returned. The pull request fixes partitions errors for non-persistent topics.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7459.
Use hostname for bookie rack awareness mapping
In PR-5607, the useHostName() is added with return false. The rack-aware policy passes the Bookie's hostname into an IP address and then uses that IP address to figure out to which rack the bookie belongs.
Then two issues occur: 1. The IP does not match the hostname which is recorded in the /bookies z-node 2. If there is an error in parsing the bookie hostname (eg: transient DNS error), an NPE is triggered and the BK client never realizes that this bookie is available in the cluster.
The exception is thrown at Line 77(as shown in the following code snippet), since getAddress() returns a null given that the address is parsed.
The default implementation for the DnsResolver.useHostName() returns true.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7361.
Java Client
Fix the issue that the HTTP header used in Athenz authentication can not be renamed
The authentication plugin for Athenz allows users to change the name of the HTTP header for sending an authentication token to a broker server with a parameter named roleHeader. The change uses the value of the roleHeader parameter on the AuthenticationAthenz side, and uses it directly as the header name.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7311.
Fix the issue that batch ack set is recycled multiple times
The batch ack sets are recycled multiple times, due to race condition in group ack flush and cumulative Ack. So we add a recycled state check for the ack set in PR-7409, and fix the recycle issue.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7409.
Add authentication client with OAuth2 support
Pulsar supports authenticating clients using OAuth 2.0 access tokens. You can use tokens to identify a Pulsar client and associate with some "principal" (or "role") that is permitted to do some actions, for example, publish messages to a topic or consume messages from a topic.
This module is to support Pulsar Client Authentication Plugin for OAuth 2.0 directly. The client communicates with the Oauth 2.0 server, gets an access token from the Oauth 2.0 server, and passes the access token to Pulsar broker to do the authentication.
So, the broker can use org.apache.pulsar.broker.authentication.AuthenticationProviderToken, and the user can add their own AuthenticationProvider to work with this module.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7420.
Not subscribe to the topic when the consumer is closed
Fix race condition on the closed consumer while reconnecting to the broker.
The race condition happens when the consumer reconnects to the broker. The connection of the consumer is set to null when the consumer reconnects to the broker. If the consumer is not connected to broker at this time, the client does not send the consumer command to the broker. So, when the consumer reconnects to the broker, the consumer sends the subscribe command again.
This pull request adds a state check when the connectionOpened() of the consumer opens. If the consumer is in closing or closed state, the consumer does not send the subscribe command.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7589.
OAuth2 authentication plugin uses AsyncHttpClient
Previously, the OAuth2 client authentication plugin used Apache HTTP client lib to make requests, Apache HTTP client is used to validate hostname. As suggested in #7612, we get rid of the dependency of using Apache HTTP client.
In PR-7615, OAuth2 client authentication plugin uses AsyncHttpClient, which is used in client and broker. For more information about implementation, see PR-7615.
CPP Client
CPP Oauth2 authentication client
Pulsar supports authenticating clients using OAuth 2.0 access tokens. You can use tokens to identify a Pulsar client and associate with some "principal" (or "role") that is permitted to do some actions (eg: publish messages to a topic or consume messages from a topic). This change tries to support it in cpp client.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7467.
Fix partition index error in close callback
In partitioned producer/consumer's close callback, the partition index is always 0. The ProducerImpl/ConsumerImpl internal partition index field should be passed to PartitionedProducerImpl/PartitionedConsumerImpl close callback.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7282.
Fix segment crashes caused by race condition of timer in CPP client
Segment crashes occur in a race condition: - The close operation calls the keepAliveTimer_.reset(). - The keepAliveTimer is called by startConsumerStatsTimer and handleKeepAliveTimeout methods. Actually, the keepAliveTimer should not be called by those two methods.
This pull request fixes those issues.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7572.
Add support to read credentials from file
Support reading credentials from a file to make it align with the Java client.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7606.
Fix multi-topic consumer segfault on connection error
The multi-topic consumer triggers a segfault when an error occurs in creating a consumer. This is due to the calls to close the partial consumers with a null callback.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7588.
Use fully qualified hostname as default to advertise worker
There is a difference in getting hostnames between Java 8 and Java 11. In Java 8, InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() returns the fully qualified hostname; in Java 11, it returns a simple hostname. In this case, we should rather use the getCanonicalHostName(), which returns the fully qualified hostname. This is the same method to get the advertised address for workers as well.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7360.
Fix the function BC issue introduced in release 2.6.0
A backwards compatibility breakage is introduced in PR-5985. When the running function workers are separated from brokers, updating workers and brokers independently from release 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 results in the following error:
This is because the broker 2.5.0 supports "bookkeeperMetadataServiceUri" and the admin client returns a null field, thus causing the NPE.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7528.
Support tlsAllowInsecureConnection in pulsar-perf produce/consume/read performance tests
Add tlsAllowInsecureConnection config to the CLI tool pulsar-perf, to support produce/consume/read performance tests to clusters with insecure TLS connections.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7300.
- To download Apache Pulsar 2.6.1, click here.
- For more information about Apache Pulsar 2.6.1, see 2.6.1 release notes and 2.6.1 PR list.
If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us by Pulsar mailing list or Slack.
- Pulsar mailing list: users@pulsar.apache.org and dev@pulsar.apache.org.
- Pulsar Slack: https://apache-pulsar.slack.com/.
Looking forward to your contributions to Pulsar.
This post was originally published by Xiaolong Ran on Apache Pulsar blog.
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