Apache Pulsar 2.6.2

We are excited to see that the Apache Pulsar community has successfully released the 2.6.2 version after a lot of hard work. It is a great milestone for this fast-growing project and the Pulsar community. 2.6.2 is the result of a big effort from the community, with over 154 commits and a long list of improvements and bug fixes.
Here are some highlights and major features added in Pulsar 2.6.2.
Catch throwable when starting Pulsar
Before 2.6.2, Pulsar catched exceptions only when BrokerStarter.start() failed. Some errors such as NoSuchMethodError or NoClassDefFoundError could not be caught, and Pulsar was in abnormal status yet no error log was found in the log file.
In 2.6.2, we modify exceptions to use throwable to avoid this issue.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7221.
Handle SubscriptionBusyException in resetCursor API
In PersistentSubscription.resetCursor method, SubscriptionFencedException is thrown in several places, but it is not handled in PersistentTopicBase, so error messages are not clear.
In 2.6.2, we export SubscriptionBusyException in PersistentTopicBase for resetCursor, so error messages in the REST API are clear.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7335.
Update Jersey to 2.31
Before 2.6.1, Pulsar used the Jersey 2.27, which has security concerns. In Pulsar 2.6.2, we update the Jersey version to the latest stable version(2.31) to enhance security.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7515.
Stop to dispatch when consumers using the Key_Shared subscription stuck
Consumers using the Key_Shared subscription would encounter disorder messages occasionally. The following are steps to reproduce the situation:
- Connect Consumer1 to Key_Shared subscription sub and stop to receive
- receiverQueueSize: 500
- Connect Producer and publish 500 messages with key (i % 10)
- Connect Consumer2 to same subscription and start to receive
- receiverQueueSize: 1
- since https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/7106 , Consumer2 can't receive (expected)
- Producer publish more 500 messages with same key generation algorithm
- After that, Consumer1 start to receive
- Check Consumer2 message ordering
- sometimes message ordering was broken in same key
In 2.6.2, when consumers use the Key_Shared subscription, Pulsar stops dispatching messages to consumers that are stuck on delivery to guarantee message order.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7553.
Reestablish namespace bundle ownership from false negative releasing and false positive acquiring
In acquiring/releasing namespace bundle ownership, ZooKeeper might be disconnected before or after these operations are persisted in the ZooKeeper cluster. It leads to inconsistency between the local ownership cache and ZooKeeper cluster.
In 2.6.2, we fix the issue with the following:
- In ownership releasing, do not retain ownership in failure.
- In ownership checking, querying and acquiring, reestablish the lost ownership in false negative releasing and false positive acquiring.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7773.
Enable users to configure the executor pool size
Before 2.6.2, the executor pool size in Pulsar was set to 20 when starting Pulsar services. Users could not configure the executor pool size.
In 2.6.2, users can configure the executor pool size in the broker.conf file based on their needs.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7782.
Add replicated check for checkInactiveSubscriptions
After the replicated subscription is deleted by checkInactiveSubscriptions, replicated subscriptions are created with receiveSubscriptionUpdated. In this case, the position becomes the latest position.
In 2.6.2, the replicated subscription is excluded from automatic deletion by fixing the PersistentTopic.
For more information about implementation, see PR-8066.
Upgrade jetty-util version to 9.4.31
Pulsar client depends on jetty-util. Jetty-util versions earlier than 9.4.30 contain known vulnerabilities.
In 2.6.2, we upgrade the jetty-util version to 9.4.31 to enhance security.
For more information about implementation, see PR-8035.
Add command to delete a cluster's metadata from ZooKeeper
When we share the same ZooKeeper and BookKeeper cluster among multiple broker clusters, if a cluster was removed, its metadata in ZooKeeper were also removed.
In 2.6.2, we fix the issue in the following ways:
- Add a PulsarClusterMetadataTeardown class to delete the relative nodes from ZooKeeper;
- Wrap the class to bin/pulsar script.
For more information about implementation, see PR-8169.
Replace EventLoop with ThreadPoolExecutor to improve performance instead of EventLoop
In 2.6.2, we replace EventLoop with a native JDK thread pool(ThreadPoolExecutor) to improve performance.
The following is the test result with pulsar perf.
Before 2.6.1:
In 2.6.2:
For more information about implementation, see PR-8208.
Fix deadlock that occurred during topic ownership check
Some broker servers had deadlocks while splitting namespace bundles. When checking the thread dump of the broker, some threads were blocked in NamespaceService#getBundle().
The reason for the issue is that the getBundle() method leads to deadlock in NamespaceService#isTopicOwned(). To fix the issue, we remove the getBundle() method. When isTopicOwned() returns false, the bundle metadata is cached and can be got asynchronously. When the client reconnects the next time, Pulsar returns the correct bundle metadata from the cache.
For more information about implementation, see PR-8406.
Enable users to configure advertisedAddress in proxy
Before 2.6.2, users could not configure advertisedAddress on the proxy side. In 2.6.2, users can configure advertisedAddress in proxy just as they do in Pulsar broker.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7542.
Add proxy plugin interface to support user defined additional servlet
To enable users to access the broker flexibly, Pulsar provides plugins similar to broker protocol and broker interceptor. However, users could not access the proxy before 2.6.2.
To enable users to customize data requests in proxy, we add the protocol plugin for proxy in 2.6.2.
For more information about implementation, see PR-8067.
Fix the null exception when starting the proxy service
When enabling the broker TLS and broker client authentication with OAuth2 plugin, the proxy service exits with an unexpected null exception.
The reason is that when initializing the flow, authentication is called, so the token client is not initialized before using.
In 2.6.2, we fix the null exception when starting the proxy service.
For more information about implementation, see PR-8019.
Java Client
Support input-stream for trustStore cert
In 2.6.1, Pulsar supports dynamic cert loading by using input stream for TLS cert and key file. The feature is mainly used by container. However, container also requires dynamic loading for truststore certs and users cannot store trust-store cert into file-system.
In 2.6.2, Pulsar supports loading truststore cert dynamically using input stream.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7442.
Avoid subscribing the same topic
The current key of MultiTopicsConsumerImpl.topics is the topic name passed by the user. The topicNameValid method checks if the name is valid and topics doesn't contain the key.
However, if a multi-topic consumer subscribes a partition of a subscribed partitioned topic, subscribeAsync succeeds and a new ConsumerImpl of the same partition is created, which is redundant.
Also, if a multi-topic consumer subscribes public/default/topic or persistent://public/default/topic, while the initial subscribed topic is topic, the redundant consumers would be created.
In 2.6.2, we fix the issue in the following ways to avoid subscribing the same topic again:
- Use the full topic name as key for MultiTopicsConsumerImpl.topics.
- Check that both the full topic name and the full partitioned topic name do not exist in MultiTopicsConsumerImpl.topics when subscribeAsync is called.
- Throw a different exception to a different topic is invalid and the topic is already subscribed
For more information about implementation, see PR-7823.
CPP Client
Wait for all seek operations complete
When a partitioned consumer calls seek, it waits for only one partition's seek operation completion because each internal consumer calls callback(result) to complete the same promise.
In 2.6.2, we use the following methods to avoid this problem:
- Add a MultiResultCallback implementation, the callback completes only when all N events complete successfully or one of N events fails.
- Use MultiResultCallback to wrap callback from PartitionedConsumerImpl::seekAsync.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7216.
Make clear() thread-safe
Before 2.6.2, the clear() methods of BatchAcknowledgementTracker and UnAckedMessageTrackerEnabled are not thread-safe.
In 2.6.2, we acquire a mutex in these clear() methods to make it thread-safe.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7862.
Add Snappy library to Docker images for building C++ packages
The program crashes when Snappy compression is enabled on the C++ client packaged as RPM/DEB. This is because Snappy library is not included in the Docker image for building the RPM/DEB package.
In 2.6.2, we add the Snappy library to the docker images to avoid the issue.
For more information about implementation, see PR-8086.
Support key based batching
Support key based batching for the C++ client. In addition, currently, the implementation of BatchMessageContainer is coupling to ProducerImpl tightly. The batch message container registers a timer to the producer's executor and the timeout callback is also the producer's method. Even its add method could call sendMessage to send a batch to the producer's pending queue. These should be the producer's work.
In 2.6.2, we implement the feature in the following ways:
- Add a MessageAndCallbackBatch to store a MessageImpl of serialized single messages and a callback list.
- Add a BatchMessageContainerBase to provide interface methods and methods like update/clear message number/bytes, create OpSendMsg.
- Let ProducerImpl manage the batch timer and determine whether to create OpSendMsg from BatchMessageContainerBase and send it.
- Make BatchMessageContainer inherit BatchMessageContainerBase, it only manages a MessageAndCallbackBatch.
- Add a BatchMessageKeyBasedContainer that inherits BatchMessageContainerBase, it manages a map of message key and MessageAndCallbackBatch.
- Add a producer config to change batching type.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7996.
Enable Kubernetes runtime to customize function instance class path
Before 2.6.2, the function worker's classpath is used to configure the function instance (runner)'s classpath. When the broker (function worker) uses an image that is different from the function instance (runner) for Kubernetes runtime, the classpath is wrong and the function instance could not load the instance classes.
In 2.6.2, we add a function instance classpath entry to the Kubernetes runtime config, and construct the function launch command accordingly.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7844.
Set dryrun of Kubernetes Runtime to null
Before 2.6.2, we upgraded the client-java of Kubernetes to 0.9.2 to enhance security. However, during the creation of statefulsets, secrets, and services, the value of dryrun was set to true, which was not accepted by Kubernetes. Only All is allowed in Kubernetes.
In 2.6.2, we set the dryrun of Kubernetes Runtime to null.
For more information about implementation, see PR-8064.
Pulsar SQL
Upgrade Presto version to 332
Upgrade Presto version to 332. Resolve different packages between prestosql and prestodb. Although the latest version is 334, versions higher than 333 require Java 11.
For more information about implementation, see PR-7194.
Add CLI command to get the last message ID
Add last-message-id command in CLI, so users can get the last message ID with this command.
For more information about implementation, see PR-8082.
Support deleting schema ledgers when deleting topics
Users could not delete schema of topics with the PersistentTopics#deleteTopic and PersistentTopics#deletePartitionedTopic in REST APIs. After topics were deleted, the schema ledgers still existed with adding an empty schema ledger.
In 2.6.2, we implement the feature in the following ways:
- Add a deleteSchema query param to REST APIs of deleting topics/partitioned topics;
- Add a map to record the created ledgers in BookkeeperSchemaStorage;
- Expose deleteSchema param in pulsar-admin APIs;
- Delete schema ledgers when deleting the cluster with -a option.
For more information about implementation, see PR-8167.
Support deleting all data associated with a cluster
When multiple broker clusters shared the same bookie cluster, if users wanted to remove a broker cluster, the associated ledgers in bookies were not deleted as expected.
In 2.6.2, we add a cluster delete command to enable users to delete all the data associated with the cluster.
For more information about implementation, see PR-8133.
Pulsar Perf
Enable users to configure ioThread number in pulsar-perf
In pulsar-perf, the default Pulsar client ioThread number is Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() and users could not configure it in the command line. When running a pulsar-perf producer, it may cause messages to enqueue competition and lead to high latency.
In 2.6.2, we implement the feature in the following ways:
- Enable users to configure the ioThread number in the command line;
- Change the default ioThead number from Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() to 1
For more information about implementation, see PR-8090.
More information
- To download Apache Pulsar 2.6.2, click download.
- For more information about Apache Pulsar 2.6.2, see [2.6.2 release notes](https://pulsar.apache.org/release-notes/#2.6.2 and 2.6.2 PR list.
If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us with mailing lists or slack.
- users@pulsar.apache.org
- dev@pulsar.apache.org
- Pulsar slack channel: https://apache-pulsar.slack.com/
- Self-registration at https://apache-pulsar.herokuapp.com/
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