Pulsar Milestone Celebration — 200 Contributors!

Dear Apache Pulsar enthusiast,
As we know, when assessing the health of an open-source community, it is tempting to focus on various quantitative metrics, for example, activity, size (contributors), demographics, diversity, and so on, among which the number of contributors is a key metric for measuring the health and popularity of a project and a way to inform the trends.
And today, we are very proud to see that Apache Pulsar has attracted its 200th contributor! It is an important milestone for our community growth.
Over the years, there’s been an upward trend that more organizations embracing real-time data and stream processing, and Pulsar is the key component of that shift. As an open-source distributed pub-sub messaging system originally created at Yahoo! and graduated as a Top-Level Project (TLP) in September 2018, Pulsar has launched 79 releases, attracted 4100+ commits from 200 contributors, and received 4.6k+ stars, 1.2k+ forks, and 1.3k+ Slack users up to now.

This achievement is worth celebrating, and at the same time, we would like to express sincere gratitude to you for making what Pulsar is today and shape what Pulsar will be tomorrow.
Pulsar aims to empower the next generation of event streaming systems by delivering a unified solution that connects, stores and processes real-time event streams. Going forward, we will be continuously dedicated to making Pulsar as a highly flexible, scalable and reliable product and creating a welcoming and sustainable community where Pulsar and you can thrive together.

P.S. want to be a Pulsar contributor?
Get started today by reading contribution guidelines and submitting a PR, any contribution on codes, docs or other is highly appreciated. Thank you.
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