Understanding Pulsar in 10 Minutes: A Guide for Kafka Users

You already know more about Apache Pulsar than you realize
Today we’ll bootstrap your Apache Pulsar knowledge by translating your existing Apache Kafka experience. We’ll show you how fundamental Apache Kafka concepts appear in Apache Pulsar. You will then be able to use your pre-existing Kafka knowledge to deliver comparable use cases with Pulsar rapidly.
Apache Pulsar presents an attractive alternative to the well-established Apache Kafka ecosystem. Pulsar’s differentiating feature set and architectural differences can overcome fundamental Kafka limitations. While Kafka and Pulsar are both highly scalable and durable distributed event streaming platforms, they have many differences. For example, Pulsar offers flexible subscriptions, unified streaming and messaging, and disaggregated storage.
I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked with Apache Kafka for several years, offering it as a platform in enterprises for Data Scientists, Engineers, and Analysts. Consequently, I’ve experienced a broad range of Kafka use cases and have been exposed to many facets of its ecosystem. When I joined the team at StreamNative to work with Pulsar, I wanted to see how my Kafka experiences would look in a Pulsar setting. I’m going to assume you have a reasonable understanding of Kafka — I won’t describe basic concepts like topics from the ground up. I’ll avoid differentiating platform features and focus on how open-source Pulsar can perform the role of open-source Kafka from the producer and consumer perspectives.
Clarifying note: I will not address Pulsar’s Kafka Protocol handler (KoP), which has Pulsar appear to clients as a set of Kafka brokers; using KoP will not further our knowledge of Pulsar.
Let’s begin with topics — a fundamental concept in Kafka and Pulsar. You can think of a Pulsar topic as a single Kafka topic partition. At this point, you might be wondering about performance, as multiple partitions are what give Kafka its horizontal scalability. However, worry not, because Pulsar builds on its topic primitive to provide an equivalent concept, the explicitly named ‘partitioned topic’. In this case, a set of Pulsar topics are logically grouped and form something functionally equivalent to a Kafka partitioned topic. This distinction exists because there are additional messaging architectures — beyond the streaming use cases that Kafka targets — supported by Pulsar and use unpartitioned topics as an elementary component. As we are focusing on Kafka use cases, we will, for the rest of this article, assume that the term topic relates to a Pulsar partitioned topic or, equivalently, a Kafka topic.
When compared to Kafka, Pulsar has greater flexibility regarding the lifecycle of messages. By default, Pulsar will keep all unacknowledged messages forever, and delete acknowledged messages immediately. We can adjust both behaviors, using message retention to preserve acknowledged messages and message expiry to purge unacknowledged messages.
In Kafka, retention policies are unaware of consumer activity — a message is persisted or purged irrespective of whether consumers have read it. This Kafka behavior is perhaps one that you won’t want to replicate in Pulsar because you’ll need to go out of your way to create something less useful. However, in the interest of learning, let’s see how this would look. First let’s retain messages that are acknowledged by all consumers:
Now let’s expire unacknowledged messages:
Like Kafka, Pulsar is able to perform compaction on topics. However, the internal implementation is slightly different as Pulsar maintains both uncompacted and compacted forms of data concurrently. A new compacted ledger is generated during compaction, and the previous one is discarded.

By storing both uncompacted and compacted forms of the data, consumers have the opportunity to consume either form depending on the use case with a simple configuration.

Pulsar also has similar message deletion semantics to Kafka. The publishing of a keyed message with a null value acts as a tombstone that removes the value on the next compaction cycle. Along with key-based deletion, Kafka also allows retention to be specified on compact topics. You can for example specify unlimited retention, which would always keep at least the latest message for all keys, providing similar storage semantics to a key-value store. Alternatively, you can specify a retention period so that messages are aged out with a TTL.
Pulsar is slightly less flexible in this regard. Messages can only be removed from the compact ledger via explicit deletion by key, otherwise, you can expect to store at least the latest message for all keys. Retention can be set on the compact topic, but this only applies to the non-compact ledger — i.e. the uncompacted messages. Given this constraint, due care must be taken when considering the cardinality of keys, and, if a message TTL is required in the compacted ledger, then it would be necessary to create a manual process to mark and delete messages.
Within the Kafka ecosystem, schema validation of messages can be applied by using Confluent’s Schema Registry and producer/consumer SerDes. Clients must be configured by application developers so that they integrate with the registry service and can discover and publish their schema. With a suitably configured client, published messages will be validated on the client side.
A similar capability exists in Pulsar — the server-side schema strategy. But note that the ‘server-side’ reference relates to the integration of the schema registry functionality into Pulsar’s brokers instead of an uncoupled tertiary service. This integration is then expressed directly within Pulsar client APIs, so additional configuration of Kafka schema registry endpoints, SerDes, and subject name strategies is unneeded. Pulsar also has parity with Kafka regarding supported schema flavors (Avro, Protobuf, etc.) and evolution guarantees.
Multiple producers can concurrently connect and send messages to a Kafka topic. These topic access semantics are also provided by Pulsar using the default producer Access Mode of Shared. Therefore we can expect that for most use cases, no effort is required to obtain equivalent behavior. Note that whereas a single Kafka producer instance can write to multiple topics, the Pulsar idiom is to have one Producer instance per topic.
Partitioning is the process by which Producers distribute messages across the partitions in a topic. In Kafka, we can control the distribution by setting a key on each message and also providing a Partitioner implementation to the producing client. Pulsar adopts a very similar approach, but its terminology is slightly different. In Pulsar, we may also guide partitioning by setting a message key — although this must be of type string whereas Kafka supports a byte[] key. Partitioning is further controlled by providing the Producer client with a MessageRoutingMode. Pulsar’s default routing mode is RoundRobinPartition, which importantly uses the message key hash to allocate messages to partitions, and round-robin allocates messages with no key. Conveniently, these are the same partitioning semantics as Kafka’s default partitioner, and so we can expect that for most use cases, no effort is required to obtain equivalent behavior. Additionally, for custom behaviors, Pulsar’s routing modes deliver the same partitioner flexibility as Kafka.
Like Kafka, Apache Pulsar can make multiple replica copies of the messages it receives and in fact offers some interesting flexibility in this area. Unlike Kafka, the storage of Pulsar messages is disaggregated from the brokers — it is not constrained by storage locality. What this means in practice is that we can independently specify the number of message replicas and the number of storage nodes. Whereas messages for a given Kafka partition replica get written on a specific node, in Pulsar messages are distributed across a set of Bookies (aka an “ensemble”). Jack Vanlightly describes this nicely in his blog: “Kafka topics are like sticks of Toblerone, … Pulsar topics are like a gas expanding to fill the available space”. Consider the following example where we persist messages M1-M3 on 5 node Pulsar and Kafka clusters with a replication count of 3:

While thinking about replicas, I’d be remiss not to touch on replica failure — a pain point with Kafka. You’ll be wondering what happens when we lose a Bookie and how this affects the cluster. Certainly the cluster will need to copy the under-replicated data, but unlike Kafka, this has fewer consequences. Importantly, we can continue to write new data with the desired durability because the storage of partitions is highly distributed, whereas, with Kafka, we require a full partition synchronization before we can do so.
Like Kafka, a producer can block until it has received a minimum number of ACKs so that it can be confident that a certain number of replicas of the produced message have been successfully persisted. The same is true for Pulsar, however, there are some differences. In Kafka, the producer tells the broker how many ACKs it requires. Consequently, different producers of the same topic may request different numbers of ACKs from the broker. In Pulsar, the ACKs are requested from the Bookies who are responsible for persisting the messages — not the brokers. Furthermore, the number of ACKs is not specified by the producer. Instead, it is specified at the topic level, and any synchronous producer will block until the declared number of ACKs is attained.
Minimum ISRs
Selecting Kafka equivalent ACK values in Pulsar is complicated by the interplay of Kafka’s all ACKs setting, its cluster-wide min.insync.replicas setting, and the number of replicas for the Kafka topic. The producer ’all ACKs’ setting introduces variability; the actual number of ACKs depends on the number of ISRs at that point in time. The number of ACKs a Kafka producer gets will be somewhere between the value of min.insync.replicas and the requested number of ACKs.
A topic consumer’s behavior is determined by the subscription type. Subscriptions are independent of the topic, and multiple consumers can apply different consumption semantics concurrently. Pulsar messages can be acknowledged individually and out of sequence to support messaging use cases.
Consumer Groups
We can achieve Kafka consumer group behavior by using a specific Pulsar subscription type. Concretely, we create a Durable subscription that is of type Failover. Durability ensures that acknowledgments are persisted (much like Kafka’s offset management); Pulsar subscriptions are durable by default. A failover subscription ensures that only one consumer instance can read from a partition and that in the event of the consumer’s failure, the partition will be allocated to another instance. Failover is not the default subscription type, so we must specify it explicitly. Once created, this subscription must be shared by all consumer instances in the logical group, and the partitions will be distributed between them.
With Pulsar, the Failover subscription type ensures that only one consumer can read from a partition at any one time and so ordering is guaranteed within the scope of a partition, just as it is with Kafka.
Offsets & Commits
I’ll focus on Kafka’s broker-based offset management, as this is the most common use case. However, just like Kafka, a Pulsar consumer can choose to manually manage offsets if desired. A key difference with Pulsar is that, just like a message queue, it supports individual, out-of-sequence consumer message acknowledgments. This contrasts with Kafka’s offsets that mark only the last message consumed with the implication that all previous messages have also been consumed — a cumulative acknowledgement.

Fortunately, Pulsar consumer API includes an equivalent operation that cumulatively acknowledges the referenced message and all messages before it, and you can do this synchronously or asynchronously. Ultimately, the semantics are equivalent to Kafka’s auto-commit as Pulsar’s ACKs are flushed to brokers periodically to be persisted.
Before we wrap up, let’s summarize the mappings between Pulsar and Kafka concepts that we’ve just covered. Notice that each Kafka concept often translates to a particular configuration of a Pulsar concept. This pattern arises because Pulsar offers highly flexible primitives that can be used to create a broad range of messaging architectures beyond the streaming use case provided by Kafka. Importantly, it shows that Pulsar can replicate Kafka’s behaviors if so desired, and this should not be surprising given that a Kafka-compatible protocol handler has been created for Pulsar.

Next steps
You’ve learned how to apply your knowledge of Kafka concepts using Apache Pulsar. If you want to put this into practice, head over to the StreamNative Cloud where you can get a free Pulsar cluster up and running in minutes. Remember that we only covered features that exist in Kafka — we didn’t touch on the additional Pulsar capabilities or performance characteristics. If you’re interested in going beyond Kafka, then take a look at free training at the StreamNative Academy or have a read of our Pulsar vs Kafka benchmark.
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