Scalable Distributed Messaging & Streaming with Apache Pulsar

Pulsar Virtual Summit Europe 2023
Use Case Breakout Session
Today, when you think about building event-driven and real-time applications, legacy solutions that might come to mind first include RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, or Kafka. But have you ever heard of Apache Pulsar?
Watch Julien Jakubowski (StreamNative) as he presents the fundamentals of Pulsar, including messaging and the ability to build amazing event-driven applications. Learn how Pulsar architecture enables vast scaling, processing power, and data independently with no hassle. Understand the guarantees of message high durability Pulsar offers, and how it can be used as a unified streaming and messaging platform. Finally, dive into how Pulsar can integrate effortlessly with your existing application portfolio, and why Pulsar should be top of mind when solving complicated messaging and streaming use cases!
This Use Case Breakout Session recording was originally presented at Pulsar Virtual Summit Europe 2023.
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