Using Apache Nifi with Apache Pulsar for Fast Data On Ramp

Pulsar Virtual Summit Europe 2023
Ecosystem Breakout Session
Timothy Spann, Principal Developer Advocate for Data in Motion at Cloudera shares that as the Pulsar communities grows, more and more connectors will be added. To enhance the availability of sources and sinks and to make use of the greater Apache Streaming community, joining forces between Apache NiFi and Apache Pulsar is a perfect fit. Apache NiFi also adds the benefits of ELT, ETL, data crunching, transformation, validation, and batch data processing, and once data is ready to be an event, NiFi can launch it into Pulsar at light speed. Watch this presentation and demo to discover how to utilize the combined forces of Apache NiFi and Apache Pulsar.
This Ecosystem Breakout Session recording was originally presented at Pulsar Virtual Summit Europe 2023.
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