Apache Pulsar logo vs. Apache Kafka logo. Blue arrow moving up and black arrow moving down.

Apache Pulsar vs. Apache Kafka 2022 Benchmark

Get your copy of the Apache Pulsar vs. Apache Kafka 2022 Benchmark today! 

Organizations often make comparisons between Apache Pulsar and Apache Kafka based on features, capabilities, size of the community, and a number of other metrics of varying importance. This report focuses purely on comparing the technical performance based on benchmark tests.

The last widely published Pulsar versus Kafka benchmark was performed in 2020, and a lot has happened since then. In 2021, Pulsar ranked as a Top 5 Apache Software Foundation project and surpassed Apache Kafka in monthly active contributors. Pulsar also averaged more monthly active contributors than Kafka for most of the past 18 months.

These contributions led to major performance improvements for Pulsar. To measure the impact of the improvements, the engineering team at StreamNative, led by Matteo Merli, Apache Pulsar PMC Chairperson and StreamNative CTO, performed a benchmark study using the Linux Foundation Open Messaging benchmark.

Read the Apache Pulsar vs. Apache Kafka 2022 Benchmark here or download the PDF today for a side-by-side comparison of Pulsar and Kafka performance, including tests on throughput, latency, and more.

Picture of Matteo Merli CTO of streamnative
Matteo Merli
CTO at StreamNative - Co-creator and PMC Chair of Apache Pulsar
picture of Pengui Li in a city
Penghui Li
Penghui Li is passionate about helping organizations to architect and implement messaging services. Prior to StreamNative, Penghui was a Software Engineer at Zhaopin.com, where he was the leading Pulsar advocate and helped the company adopt and implement the technology. He is an Apache Pulsar Committer and PMC member.


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